Password generator is a program that helps clients to come up with strong passwords as per the requirements of most websites.The project in very convinient for someone who wants to save time while also adhering to the requirements of almost any log in system nowadays.
The passwords generated are different everytime and are longer than eight characters in length and contain upper case letters, lower case letters, digits and special charactors all generated randomly and occupying random positions within the string they appear in.
Here is some code that illustrates how we read values from the line sensors:
byte ADCRead(byte ch)
word value;
ADC1SC1 = ch;
while (ADC1SC1_COCO != 1)
{ // wait until ADC conversion is completed
return ADC1RL; // lower 8-bit value out of 10-bit data from the ADC
You can learn more at the UH Micromouse News Announcement.